Medical Support Groups

Coping with PMS
Every month, individuals menstruating all over the world struggle with PMS, and are forced to navigate a multitude of physical, behavioural and emotional changes. People

Connecting with Fellow Covid Patients for Mindfulness
When we are unwell, the one thing we crave most is the comforting presence of loved ones around us. However, the pandemic has made this

Lingering Fear About Health During COVID
With the pandemic sweeping across the globe, we are facing unexpected stressors we’ve probably never had to before. Many of us are becoming increasingly fearful

Overcoming Fears of Uncertainty Due to Covid
The last year has been hard for all of us, but to some, it was exceptionally challenging. Staying at home 24/7 for months at length,

Coping with PCOD and PCOS
PCOD and PCOS are complex health conditions that have reported links to anxiety and depression. While the direct link between them and mental health conditions

Stress Arising from Eating Disorders
Abnormal eating habits that can negatively impact your physical and/ or your mental health is called an eating disorder. Some eating disorders include anorexia nervosa,