Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions?
You’ve arrived at the right place!

Here are the top ten questions we get asked most frequently by our participants.

A Support group connects you with like-minded people who both understand AND relate to your struggles, thereby making you feel heard and acknowledged.
It also helps you identify coping mechanisms and assures you that You Are Not Alone in your struggles.

Our Support Groups deal with simple everyday things that sometimes make our lives difficult and can leave us feeling distressed.
Our Support groups are Topic-specific, so you only surround yourselves with people who are going through a similar experience.
Our Support Groups are Clinically curated and moderated by the right-fit mental health professional

Our website has a support groups section where you can view past as well as upcoming support groups. Each support group comes with a brief description, based on which you can pick one that you think is the right fit for you.

After that, simply fill in the sign-up form and wait as one of our members gets it touch with you for an official confirmation.

You can access the support group page, by clicking here

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. IST

Since WAMH Support Groups are clinically curated and the participation is limited to only 12 people at a time, they cost anything between INR 500/- to 800/- per person, depending on the severity of the topic

We’re a not-for-profit organization, hence the organization does not benefit from the proceeds. We charge our participants to compensate the various stakeholders (therapists, mental health program managers and coordinators) who lend their expertise to make the meet-ups a success.

Having a professional moderator on board ensures equal opportunity for each participant and guarantees that no one goes unheard.
The therapist makes sure that the group is heading in the right direction and not diverging from the topic at hand. By employing various psychological tools and techniques such as arts-based activities and music therapy mechanisms,  they help the participants address their fears and struggles and identify coping mechanisms to deal with the same.

Having a close-knit group of 12 people allows us to fulfil our promise of providing you a safe and confidential space to promote open and honest conversations.
Limited participant count also allows the moderator to pay individual attention to each participant.

Sharing your name with the group is NOT compulsory.
Participants are encouraged to share their name and pronouns with other members of the group, but should a participant be uncomfortable with that, or want to give us a pseudonym, that too is allowed.

We start with a mindfulness activity to help elevate distractions.
This is followed by a fun round of ice-breaking activities and introductions.
We then focus on a reflective activity that helps our members get comfortable in opening up and reflecting on the issue at hand, which encourages open conversations.
The group members then share their struggles, journeys and coping mechanisms with each other, while simultaneously listening to, and drawing inspiration from similar experiences, uplifting one another in the process.