Hey, how’re you doing?

Hey, how’re you doing?

Welcome to WAMH.

Making a Difference,

one Support Group at a time.

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Support Groups Conducted
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Lives Impacted

We’re All

MAD Here.

When the conversation turns to therapy and mental health, we have often heard phrases like,

“Are you mad? Why do you need to go to therapy?”

We felt it was time to redefine that word.

We decided to call ourselves WAMH because we believe that all of us are MAD in our own, unique ways. Because every single one of us is capable of Making A Difference.

Settle in, buckle your seatbelts and let us whisk you away to our very own ‘Mad’land!

What are

WAMH Support Groups?

Ever felt a need to share your mental health struggle with someone who really understands what you’re feeling?

Ever wanted to hear from someone who has been through the very same journey as you?

Ever felt the desire to support those who have similar experiences as you?

Well, Support groups are the place to do it.


Support Groups

Date: 25th August, 2021, Wednesday

Moderating Therapist:  Sakshi Sanghvi Psychologist, (Clinical)

It is often said that we just work hard to pursue our passion and fulfil our purpose. However, what is often left out, is the lost feeling that one gets in the process towards even…

Date: 28th August, Saturday

Moderating Therapist: Ms. Vishwa Modi (MA Clinical, trauma informed)

Every loss is personal and needs to be honoured. Grief cannot be only restricted to the loss of close on but also expands to the loss of our own furry mate. They become our family members…