Coping with PCOD and PCOS
PCOD and PCOS are complex health conditions that have reported links to anxiety and depression. While the direct link between them and mental health conditions
Setting Habits and Routine
Setting habits and routines can help people feel in control of their situation and provide a sense of stability. It also helps manage stress levels
Dialogue on Our Journey Towards Mental Well-being
Addressing the issues we face as people struggling with mental health is important. Everybody is on a similar path and walking it alone can be
Lack of Supportive Environments for Mental Health Conversations
Learning and understanding the mental health challenges faced by us and the people around us is difficult. The stigma, lack of information and inaccessibility to
Stress Arising from Eating Disorders
Abnormal eating habits that can negatively impact your physical and/ or your mental health is called an eating disorder. Some eating disorders include anorexia nervosa,
Navigating Your LGBTQ+ Identity (2)
Navigating one’s LGBTQIA+ identity could be a difficult road. It has various aspects that can cause interpersonal, mental, social, emotional or physical distress and can