We are all in different stages of our lives. Sometimes, we may feel like we haven’t accomplished as much as those around us. It could even be our dearest friends that support us, but seeing them on a different page of their lives may affect us. Comparing our unique selves to somebody else can take a toll on our mental as well as physical health. Our sense of perception could get clouded and we can feel blinded by how “worthless” we are to ourselves, when in reality we are far away from any of that. Thus, it’s very essential that we stay grounded in reality. Our paths in life are truly unique to us and isn’t any lesser than anybody else’s. Accepting what we have with a grateful and peaceful mindset is much more important than trying to win a game that’s not even ours.

7 Reasons why you should attend a Support Group
If you’ve ever wondered:- “Why should we attend support groups?” “What impact will talking to a bunch of strangers have on me?” Or something else