Personal Intervention Support Groups

Dealing with Loneliness
Loneliness is a feeling shared by most of us. When left unsaid, loneliness can turn into a serious problem that can affect us both physically

Fear of Abandonment
The dreading thoughts that someone you cherish and love will find a reason to leave your life is termed as fear of abandonment. It can

Stress Stemming from Fear of Judgement
Fear and anxiety about being judged inauthentically can cause us a lot of stress and make interactions with others difficult. It can hold us back

Self-Doubt Due to Body Image Issues (2)
Body Image Issues can be complex and much more than just “I hate my body”. At WAMH, we believe these issues need to be carefully

Dealing with Social Anxiety
Ever felt a deep sense of discomfort before venturing into a social situation? A feeling of self-consciousness or an irrational fear that keeps you from

Sell by Date: Arranged Marriage Pressures in India
An arranged marriage is a marriage where the family or a third person has introduced the bride and groom to each other. In certain cultures,