Personal Intervention Support Groups

Individuals who have Experienced Sexual Abuse
Date: 14th August, Saturday Time: 7:00 pm Experiencing Sexual Abuse is extremely difficult and traumatic for many of us. The sensitive nature of this abuse

Navigating Through Unhealthy Relationships
Date: 18th August, Wednesday Time: 7:00 pm While it’s common to fight in most relationships, sometimes they can get unhealthy and leave a person feeling

Brewing Self-Doubt Due to Low Self-Esteem
Date: 11th August, Wednesday Time: 7:00 pm Low Self-Esteem and constant Self-Doubt can make everyday experiences very difficult. People struggling with this may feel unable

People from families where Therapy is Taboo
A lot of individuals struggle with openly talking about their problems or seeking help, leaving existing mental health issues unadressed. Feelings are dismissed and often

Straining Relationships During the Ongoing Pandemic
The pandemic has affected our relationships in different ways. For some of us, it’s being far away from the people we love – our families,

Stress from Unexpected Changes During the Pandemic
The pandemic managed to turn our worlds upside down and mess up its normal routine. It has added an element of worry and uncertainty to