Emotional abuse is a method used to control another person using emotions. Abusers can criticise, humiliate, manipulate and be verbally aggressive towards individuals. This can have a lasting impact and cause low self-esteem, anxiety disorders, PTSD and depression. Emotional about can portray itself in any equation and figuring out how your partner, parent, friend or co-worker makes you feel is the first step. Some common signs of emotional abuse include constant criticism, refusal to be accountable, threats to leave, gaslighting, withholding communication and affection, calling the victim problematic/ needy, sudden outbursts, blaming you for their problems and their actions not matching their words. Despite the signs, emotional abuse can very often be subtle and hard to recognise. Even after recognising emotional abuse, victims feel trapped and find it hard to leave.

7 Reasons why you should attend a Support Group
If you’ve ever wondered:- “Why should we attend support groups?” “What impact will talking to a bunch of strangers have on me?” Or something else